ResilientDB - File Structure


This is an installment of the ResilientDB tutorial series. ResilientDB is a permissioned blockchain fabric developed by the developers at the Exploratory Systems Lab at UC Davis. We are a group of researchers on a mission led by Prof. Mohammad Sadoghi to pioneer a resilient data platform at scale.

File Structure

In your linux command line interface, tree resilientdb -L 2 provides us the following output:

├── Makefile
├── benchmarks
│   ├── YCSB_schema.txt
│   ├── ycsb.h
│   ├── ycsb_query.cpp
│   ├── ycsb_query.h
│   ├── ycsb_txn.cpp
│   └── ycsb_wl.cpp
├── blockchain
│   ├── chain.cpp
│   ├── chain.h
│   └── crypto.h
├── client
│   ├── client_main.cpp
│   ├── client_query.cpp
│   ├── client_query.h
│   ├── client_txn.cpp
│   └── client_txn.h
├── config.cpp
├── config.h
├── dashboard
│   ├──
│   ├── dashboard.tgz
│   └── nginx-site.conf
├── data_structures
│   ├── hash_map.h
│   ├── hash_set.h
│   └── shared_int.h
├── db
│   ├── database.h
│   ├── in_memory_db.cpp
│   └── sqlite.cpp
├── deps
│   ├── boost.tgz
│   ├── boost_1_67_0
│   ├── crypto
│   ├── crypto.tgz
│   ├── jemalloc-5.1.0
│   ├── jemalloc.tgz
│   ├── nng-1.3.2
│   ├── nng.tgz
│   ├── sqlite-autoconf-3290000
│   └── sqlite.tgz
├── docker-compose.yml
├── ifconfig.txt
├── obj
│   ├── banking_sc.o
│   ├── chain.o
│   ├── client_main.o
│   ├── client_query.o
│   ├── client_thread.o
│   ├── client_txn.o
│   ├── config.o
│   ├── global.o
│   ├── helper.o
│   ├── in_memory_db.o
│   ├── io_thread.o
│   ├── lock_free_queue.o
│   ├── main.o
│   ├── mem_alloc.o
│   ├── message.o
│   ├── msg_queue.o
│   ├── msg_thread.o
│   ├── parser.o
│   ├── pool.o
│   ├── query.o
│   ├── sim_manager.o
│   ├── sqlite.o
│   ├── stats.o
│   ├── stats_array.o
│   ├── thread.o
│   ├── timer.o
│   ├── transport.o
│   ├── txn.o
│   ├── txn_table.o
│   ├── txn_test.o
│   ├── wl.o
│   ├── work_queue.o
│   ├── work_queue_nopipeline.o
│   ├── worker_thread.o
│   ├── worker_thread_pbft.o
│   ├── ycsb_query.o
│   ├── ycsb_txn.o
│   └── ycsb_wl.o
├── res.out
├── resilientDB-docker
├── results
│   ├── s4_c1_results_PBFT_b100_run0_node0.out
│   ├── s4_c1_results_PBFT_b100_run0_node1.out
│   ├── s4_c1_results_PBFT_b100_run0_node2.out
│   ├── s4_c1_results_PBFT_b100_run0_node3.out
│   └── s4_c1_results_PBFT_b100_run0_node4.out
├── runcl
├── rundb
├── scripts
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── settings
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── smart_contracts
│   ├── banking_sc.cpp
│   ├── smart_contract.h
│   └── smart_contract_txn.h
├── statistics
│   ├── stats.cpp
│   ├── stats.h
│   ├── stats_array.cpp
│   └── stats_array.h
├── system
│   ├── array.h
│   ├── client_thread.cpp
│   ├── client_thread.h
│   ├── global.cpp
│   ├── global.h
│   ├── helper.cpp
│   ├── helper.h
│   ├── io_thread.cpp
│   ├── io_thread.h
│   ├── lock_free_queue.cpp
│   ├── lock_free_queue.h
│   ├── main.cpp
│   ├── mem_alloc.cpp
│   ├── mem_alloc.h
│   ├── msg_queue.cpp
│   ├── msg_queue.h
│   ├── parser.cpp
│   ├── pool.cpp
│   ├── pool.h
│   ├── query.cpp
│   ├── query.h
│   ├── sim_manager.cpp
│   ├── sim_manager.h
│   ├── thread.cpp
│   ├── thread.h
│   ├── timer.cpp
│   ├── timer.h
│   ├── txn.cpp
│   ├── txn.h
│   ├── txn_table.cpp
│   ├── txn_table.h
│   ├── txn_test.cpp
│   ├── wl.cpp
│   ├── wl.h
│   ├── work_queue.cpp
│   ├── work_queue.h
│   ├── work_queue_nopipeline.cpp
│   ├── worker_thread.cpp
│   ├── worker_thread.h
│   └── worker_thread_pbft.cpp
└── transport
    ├── message.cpp
    ├── message.h
    ├── msg_thread.cpp
    ├── msg_thread.h
    ├── nn.hpp
    ├── transport.cpp
    └── transport.h

File Overview

Let’s present an overview of what each file is responsible for. We are going to exclude some files neccessary for the github repository; namely,,,

Core Functionality

File/Directory Description
:floppy_disk: resilientDB-docker A bash script responsible for bootstrapping the programming environment. Since we wish to use a dockerized deployement of several nodes, a multi-container Docker application and its services are configured through the generation of a Docker Compose file docker-compose.yml. These containers are subsequently started (via docker-compose up -d).
:floppy_disk: runcl Client node executable. These generate and request transaction to be executed.
:floppy_disk: rundb Replica node executable. These perform consensus.
:scroll: res.out The standard out from scripts/ is piped into this file via resilientDB-docker.
:scroll: Makefile ResilientDB is compiled by invoking make in the main working directory (resilientdb/)
:scroll: config.h Configuration file. Comprised of preprocessor constants where the generation of which are embedded via metaprogramming from the scripts/ bash script. config.cpp merely imports all these symbols so that an object file can be compiled later.
:scroll: docker-compose.yml Docker Compose file and configuration for its respective services.
:scroll: ifconfig.txt Created by scripts/ during the resilientDB-docker script.
:file_folder: benchmarks/ Class definitions for abstractions relating to transactions (TXs) (ycsb_request and YCSBQuery) as well as the generation of synthetic TXs (YCSBQueryGenerator) in yscb_query.h and their corresponding workload managers found in ycsb.h.
:file_folder: blockchain/ Class definitions for blocks (BChainStruct) and the chain of blocks (BChain) in chain.h as well as encryption constructs for signing messages in crypto.h.
:file_folder: client/ Client entry point client_main.cpp as well as class definitions for Client_query_queue.
:file_folder: data_structures/ Class definitions for data structures with concurrent access via locks.
:file_folder: db/ Class definitions for the DataBase interface, which connects to an InMemoryDB or sqlite instance.
:file_folder: obj/ Directory where all the object files are compiled and organized into for later linking.
:file_folder: results/ Results from the workload are piped into .out files into this directory.
:file_folder: scripts/ Bash scripts for things such as bootstrapping programming environment (,, collecting workload statistics (latency, memory usage, transaction throughput, idle times) from pipe indirection operator (via stdout and script), as well as others relating to running experiments on cloud compute (,,, and
:file_folder: smart_contracts/ Class definitions for types inherited from SmartContract for smart contract workloads.
:file_folder: statistics/ Class definition for structures relating to accumulation of system statistics (Transactions, execution, worker threads, I/O).
:file_folder: system/ Bulk of class definitions of ResilientDB are found here such as WorkerThread and ClientThread which relate to performing consensus.
:file_folder: transport/ Class definitions for structures relating to the infrastructure of message communication such as Socket, Message, MessageThread.

Lines of Code

Core components of ResilientDB are highly optimized to be under 20,000 lines of code (17,108 to be exact).


File/Directory Description
:file_folder: deps/ Import location for statically built libraries, which consists of routines that are compiled and linked directly into runcl and rundb via the Makefile.