The view-change protocol and checkpoint algorithm provide PBFT with liveness by allowing the system to make progress when the primary fails. In this blog, we introduce how we implement the PBFT view-change protocol and checkpoint algorithm in NexRes, list what Byzantine failures our current version is resilient to, and illustrate how our view-change protocol and checkpoint algorithm provide liveness in the presence of the failures.
We use the same model in the PBFT paper. There are $n = 3f+1$ replicas, at most $f$ of while can be Byzantine, where a Byzantine replica can have arbitrary malicious behavior.
view-change protocol
In this section, we describe how PBFT in NexRes detects the failure of the primary $P$.
- Client $C$ sends a request $T$ to the primary and sets a timer $t_c$.
replica_communicator_->SendMessage(*new_request, GetPrimary()); AddWaitingResponseRequest(std::move(new_request));
- If $C$ receives $f+1$ valid responses for $T$ before $t_c$ expires, then $C$ considers $T$ as stable in the ledger.
CollectorResultCode ret = AddResponseMsg(context->signature, std::move(request), [&](const Request& request, const TransactionCollector::CollectorDataType*) { response = std::make_unique<Request>(request); return; }); if (ret == CollectorResultCode::STATE_CHANGED) { RemoveWaitingResponseRequest(hash); }
- If not, $C$ broadcasts $T$ to all replicas.
if(CheckTimeOut(client_timeout.hash)){ auto request = GetTimeOutRequest(client_timeout.hash); if(request){ replica_communicator_->BroadCast(*request); } }
- When receiving $T$, if a replica $R$ is not the current primary, then it forwards to the current primary $P$ and sets a timer $t_r$.
if (config_.GetSelfInfo().id() != message_manager_->GetCurrentPrimary()) { replica_communicator_->SendMessage(*user_request, message_manager_->GetCurrentPrimary()); request_complained_.push(std::make_pair(std::move(context), std::move(user_request))); return -3; }
- When $t_r$ expires, $R$ checks if it has committed any request form $C$ since it starts $t_r$.
- If not, $R$ requests a view-change.
if(viewchange_timeout->type == ViewChangeTimerType::TYPE_COMPLAINT){ if (status_ == ViewChangeStatus::NONE && viewchange_timeout->view == system_info_->GetCurrentView()) { if (viewchange_timeout->start_time >= message_manager_->GetLastCommittedTime(viewchange_timeout->proxy_id)) { checkpoint_manager_->TimeoutHandler(); } } }
- Detecting the failure of the primary is not the only reason to request a view-change. Besides, if a replica $R$ receives f+1 VIEW-CHANGE messages of the current view from other replicas and $R$ has not requested a view-change in the current view, then $R$ requests a view-change as well.
size_t request_size = AddRequest(viewchange_message, request->sender_id()); if (request_size == config_.GetMaxMaliciousReplicaNum() + 1) { checkpoint_manager_->TimeoutHandler(); }
- Once a view-change is requested, replicas process no more consensus messages and then proceed to construct the VIEW-CHANGE message and broadcast it to all the replicas at periodic intervals.
checkpoint_manager_->SetTimeoutHandler([&]() { if (status_ == ViewChangeStatus::NONE) { view_change_counter_ = 1; } else if (status_ == ViewChangeStatus::READY_NEW_VIEW) { view_change_counter_++; } if (ChangeStatue(ViewChangeStatus::READY_VIEW_CHANGE)) { SendViewChangeMsg(); } });
- The VIEW-CHANGE message contains a set $S$ of requests that $R$ has prepared, which means that for each request $T\in S$, $R$ has received $2f+1$ PREPARE messages in support of $T$.
- For each $T\in S$, the VIEW-CHANGE message includes a corresponding Prepare-Proof that contains the $2f+1$ digitally-signed PREPARE messages.
for (int i = 1; i <= max_seq; ++i) { if (message_manager_->GetTransactionState(i) >= TransactionStatue::READY_COMMIT) { std::vector<RequestInfo> proof_info = message_manager_->GetPreparedProof(i); auto txn = view_change_message.add_prepared_msg(); txn->set_seq(i); for (const auto& info : proof_info) { auto proof = txn->add_proof(); *proof->mutable_request() = *info.request; *proof->mutable_signature() = info.signature; } } }
- $R$ moves to the next view, broadcasts the VIEW-CHANGE message, and sets a timer $t_v$. If $R$ fails to receive $2f+1$ VIEW-CHANGE messages, then $R$ broadcasts the VIEW-CHANGE message for the current view again.
if(viewchange_timeout->type == ViewChangeTimerType::TYPE_VIEWCHANGE){ if(status_ == ViewChangeStatus::READY_VIEW_CHANGE && viewchange_timeout->view == system_info_->GetCurrentView()){ LOG(ERROR)<< "It is time to rebroadcast viewchange messages"; ChangeStatue(ViewChangeStatus::VIEW_CHANGE_FAIL); checkpoint_manager_->TimeoutHandler(); } }
- If the replica $R$ receives $2f+1$ VIEW-CHANGE messages for the current view, $R$ sets a timer $t_n$.
- If $R$ is the new primary $P’$, then $P’$ constructs and broadcasts a NEW-VIEW message.
size_t request_size = AddRequest(viewchange_message, request->sender_id()); if (request_size == config_.GetMinDataReceiveNum()) { if (IsNextPrimary(viewchange_message.view_number())) { SendNewViewMsg(viewchange_message.view_number()); } else { StartNewViewTimer(); } } ChangeStatue(ViewChangeStatus::READY_NEW_VIEW);
- The NEW-VIEW message contains the $2f+1$ digitally-signed VIEW-CHANGE messages.
auto requests = viewchange_request_[view_number]; NewViewMessage new_view_message; new_view_message.set_view_number(view_number); std::map<uint64_t, std::string> new_view_request; // <sequence, digest> for (auto& it : requests) { ViewChangeMessage& msg = it.second; msg.set_view_number(view_number); *new_view_message.add_viewchange_messages() = msg; }
- If $R$ fails to receive a valid NEW-VIEW message before $t_n$ expires, then $R$ requests one more view-change, enters the next view, and broadcasts VIEW-CHANGE message.
if(viewchange_timeout->type == ViewChangeTimerType::TYPE_NEWVIEW){ if(status_ == ViewChangeStatus::READY_NEW_VIEW && viewchange_timeout->view == system_info_->GetCurrentView()){ checkpoint_manager_->TimeoutHandler(); } }
- If a valid NEW-VIEW message with the highest sequence number (round number) $max_s$ is received, then, for each sequence number $r < max_s$ with a valid Prepare-Proof, $R$ broadcasts the corresponding COMMIT message for round $r$, while for each sequence number $r’ < max_s$ without a valid Prepare-Proof, $R$ broadcasts PREPARE message of null value for round $r’$.
for (size_t i = 0; i < request_list.size(); ++i) { if (new_view_message.request(i).type() == static_cast<int>(Request::TYPE_PRE_PREPARE)) { new_view_message.request(i); replica_communicator_->SendMessage(new_view_message.request(i), config_.GetSelfInfo()); } else { replica_communicator_->BroadCast(new_view_message.request(i)); } }
We have introduced the view-change protocol above. However, view-change protocol cannot prevent malicious replicas from keeping up to $f$ non-faulty replicas in the dark. Malicious replicas do so by not sending any consensus messages replicas to the $f$ replicas. Thus, the $f$ non-faulty replicas cannot commit any new requests while other non-faulty replicas can.
To solve this problem, we need to implement the checkpoint algorithm.
- When initiating the system, we set a checkpoint watermark size value, such as 5. Then, every 5 consecutive rounds, a replica $R$ broadcasts a CHECKPOINT message with sequence number $r$, where $r$ is the highest sequence number of the 5 rounds, informing other replicas that it has committed and executed the requests in the last 5 rounds.
if (current_seq == last_ckpt_seq + water_mark) { last_ckpt_seq = current_seq; BroadcastCheckPoint(last_ckpt_seq, last_hash, stable_hashs, stable_seqs); }
- If a replica $R$ receives $f+1$ valid CHECKPOINT messages of the same sequence number $r$ and the highest sequence number that $R$ has executed is $r’, r’<r$, then, $R$ needs to fetch the unknown requests behind round $r’$.
- $R$ calls an interface to fetch the requests, asking the senders of the $f+1$ CHECKPOINT messages one by one until it fetches valid requests.
- To check the validity of the fetched requests, $R$ verifies the hash and signatures.
- If the fetched requests are valid, then $R$ commits and executes them.
auto replicas_ = config_.GetReplicaInfos(); for(auto &replica_: replicas_){ auto requests = txn_accessor.GetRequestFromReplica(last_seq_ + 1, committable_seq, replica_); if (PassAllChecks(requests)) { for (auto& request: *requests) { if (executor_) { executor_->Commit(std::make_unique<Request>(request)); } } break; } }
- If a replica $R$ receives $2f+1$ valid CHECKPOINT messages of the same sequence number $r$. It means that at least $f+1$
non-faulty replicas have executed requests with sequence number $r$. And we consider $r$ as a stable checkpoint.
if (it.second.size() >= static_cast<size_t>(config_.GetMinDataReceiveNum())) { stable_seq = it.first.first; stable_hash = it.first.second; } std::vector<SignatureInfo> votes; if (current_stable_seq_ < stable_seq) { votes = sign_ckpt_[std::make_pair(stable_seq, stable_hash)]; stable_ckpt_.set_seq(stable_seq); stable_ckpt_.set_hash(stable_hash); stable_ckpt_.mutable_signatures()->Clear(); for (auto vote : votes) { *stable_ckpt_.add_signatures() = vote; } current_stable_seq_ = stable_seq; }
- A Stable-Checkpoint-Proof with sequence number $r$ can be considered as Prepare-Proof for all rounds before $r$ because a request committed by a non-faulty replica must have been prepared by at least $f+1$ non-faulty replicas. A Prepare-Proof for the request will definitely appear in at least one of the $2f+1$ VIEW-CHANGE messages in the NEW-VIEW message.
- With the checkpoint algorithm, we can reduce the overhead of the view-change protocol. Instead of all Prepare-Proofs from the first round, a VIEW-CHANGE message contains a Stable-Checkpoint-Proof with the highest sequence number $r$ and all Prepare-Proofs with a higher sequence number $r’, r’>r$.
*view_change_message.mutable_stable_ckpt() = checkpoint_manager_->GetStableCheckpointWithVotes(); for (int i = view_change_message.stable_ckpt().seq() + 1; i <= max_seq; ++i) { if (message_manager_->GetTransactionState(i) >= TransactionStatue::READY_COMMIT) { std::vector<RequestInfo> proof_info = message_manager_->GetPreparedProof(i); ... ... } }
In this section, we list the Byzantine behaviors that our implementation is resilient to and illustrate how our implementation is equipped with resilience.
We consider a primary as non-responsive if it crashes or deliberately stops broadcasting new PRE-PREPARE messages. If the primary becomes non-responsive, then the client cannot receive responses and will complain. Thus, replicas will forward the complained requests to the primary and start a timer. If the primary keeps being non-responsive, then at least $2f+1$ non-faulty replicas will request a view-change and eventually enter a new view.
Obviously, non-faulty replicas in the dark can catch up with other replicas via the checkpoint algorithm.
There are two cases when the primary equivocates in round $r$, which means that the primary sends different PRE-PREPARE messages to different replicas. In the first case, no request gets enough votes to be committed by a non-faulty replica, which is the same as the case when the primary becomes non-responsive. In the second case, there is one request that gets committed by some of the non-faulty replicas, which is the same as the case when the primary attempts to keep some replicas in the dark. From what we have illustrated for the two malicious behaviors above, we know that we are able to recover from both of the cases when the primary equivocates.
There can be consecutive Byzantine primaries in consecutive views. Thus, it is possible that the new primary is non-responsive as well and does not broadcast NEW-VIEW messages. To provide liveness in such a case, as mentioned before, non-faulty replicas will request a new view-change.
A byzantine primary or primaries in different views may broadcast PRE-PREPARE the same request twice, which we call duplication. To eliminate duplication, when proposing a new PRE-PREPARE message, non-faulty primaries check if the request is already proposed. And non-faulty replicas check if the request is already proposed when receiving a PRE-PREPARE message.
int Commitment::ProcessNewRequest(std::unique_ptr<Context> context,
std::unique_ptr<Request> user_request) {
if (duplicate_manager_->CheckAndAddProposed(user_request->hash())) {
return -2;
int Commitment::ProcessProposeMsg(std::unique_ptr<Context> context,
std::unique_ptr<Request> request) {
if (duplicate_manager_->CheckAndAddProposed(request->hash())){
LOG(INFO) << "The request is already proposed, reject";
return -2;