Getting Started with ResContract CLI πŸš€


This guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough of the ResContract CLI for managing smart contracts on ResilientDB. It covers installation, configuration, and usage of various commands to create ac...

This guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough of the ResContract CLI for managing smart contracts on ResilientDB. It covers installation, configuration, and usage of various commands to create accounts, compile contracts, deploy contracts, and execute contract functions.

ResContract CLI GitHub Repository

🌐 Smart Contracts on ResilientDB Today

ResilientDB now supports smart contracts, allowing developers to deploy and interact with decentralized applications seamlessly. Here’s an overview of the current state:

  • Simplified Workflow: The ResContract CLI provides an intuitive interface for managing smart contracts.
  • Comprehensive Commands: It includes commands for account creation, contract compilation, deployment, and execution.
  • Enhanced Logging: Improved logging for better debugging and auditing.

πŸ“ˆ Getting Started with ResContract CLI


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js (version >= 14): Download and install Node.js
  • npm: Comes with Node.js. Ensure it’s up-to-date.
  • Solidity Compiler (solc): Required to compile smart contracts. Install it using:

    npm install -g solc
  • ResilientDB: A running instance with the smart contracts service enabled.

Installing ResContract CLI

Install the ResContract CLI globally using npm:

npm install -g rescontract-cli


Before using the ResContract CLI, you must set the ResDB_Home environment variable or provide the path to your ResilientDB installation in a config.yaml file.

Option 1: Set ResDB_Home Environment Variable

Set the ResDB_Home environment variable to point to the directory where ResilientDB is installed.


export ResDB_Home=/path/to/incubator-resilientdb

Add the above line to your .bashrc or .zshrc file to make it persistent.

Option 2: Use a config.yaml File

Create a config.yamlfile in the same directory where you run the rescontract command or in your home directory.

Example config.yaml:

ResDB_Home: /path/to/incubator-resilientdb

Ensure the ResDB_Home path is correct.

Note: The CLI checks for config.yaml in the current directory first, then in your home directory.

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» Using the ResContract CLI

Command Overview

  • create: Create a new account.
  • compile: Compile a Solidity contract.
  • deploy: Deploy a smart contract.
  • execute: Execute a function within a deployed smart contract.

Creating a New Account


rescontract create --config <path_to_config>


rescontract create --config ../incubator-resilientdb/service/tools/config/interface/service.config

Sample Output:


Compiling a Smart Contract


rescontract compile --sol <inputFile.sol> --output <outputFile.json>


rescontract compile --sol /users/gopuman/ResContract/token.sol --output output.json

Sample Output:

Compiled successfully to output.json

Deploying a Smart Contract


rescontract deploy --config <configPath> --contract <contract.json> \
--name <contractName> --arguments "<parameters>" --owner <ownerAddress>


rescontract deploy \
  --config ../incubator-resilientdb/service/tools/config/interface/service.config \
  --contract output.json \
  --name "/users/gopuman/ResContract/token.sol:Token" \
  --arguments "1000" \
  --owner "0x3b706424119e09dcaad4acf21b10af3b33cde350"

Sample Output:

owner_address: "0x3b706424119e09dcaad4acf21b10af3b33cde350"
contract_address: "0xc975ab41e0c2042a0229925a2f4f544747fd66cd"
contract_name: "/users/gopuman/ResContract/token.sol:Token"

Executing a Smart Contract Function


rescontract execute --config <configPath> --sender <senderAddress> \
--contract <contractAddress> --function-name "<functionSignature>" --arguments "<parameters>"


rescontract execute \
  --config ../incubator-resilientdb/service/tools/config/interface/service.config \
  --sender "0x3b706424119e09dcaad4acf21b10af3b33cde350" \
  --contract "0xc975ab41e0c2042a0229925a2f4f544747fd66cd" \
  --function-name "transfer(address,uint256)" \
  --arguments "0x4847155cbb6f2219ba9b7df50be11a1c7f23f829,100"

Sample Output:

Function executed successfully.

πŸ“ Advanced Usage and Tips

  • Logging: The ResContract CLI logs important events and errors to ~/.rescontract-logs/cli.log.
  • Error Handling: If you encounter errors, check the logs for detailed information.
  • Permissions: Ensure you have the necessary permissions to execute commands and access files.
  • Updating ResContract CLI: Keep your CLI up-to-date by running:
npm update -g rescontract-cli

🀝 Contributing

We welcome contributions! Please read our Contributing Guidelines to get started.

πŸ“„ License

This project is licensed under the Apache License

πŸ“š Additional Resources