Deploy Grafana Dashboard On Oracle Cloud


This article will guide you on deploying NexRes Grafana Dashboard on an Oracle Cloud instance. Since Prometheus and node exporter cannot directly install using apt-get, installing these components ...

This article will guide you on deploying NexRes Grafana Dashboard on an Oracle Cloud instance. Since Prometheus and node exporter cannot directly install using apt-get, installing these components is complicated and tedious. NexRes_Grafana_Installer provides an effortless experience to automatically deploy all the components for NexRes Grafana Dashboard on Oracle Cloud. Now let us dive in!


This installer only tested on Oracle Cloud instance in ubuntu 20.04. Please adjust the script if you want to run it on AWS or local. Besure nexres is already installed on your instance and fully tested.

Clone nexres_grafana_installer

Clone the repositry in your home directry


In default, if you cloned resilientdb repositry (nexres) in your home directry. The full directry address should be “/home/ubuntu/resilientdb”. If your nexres working directry is same as I mentioned above, jump to next step.

Otherwise, modify the “” file before you process to the next step. Change the following pathes according to your nexres configuration.



Simply run command

sudo sh

All components should automaticly install to your system!

Make sure to restart your instance using

sudo reboot

Test your dashboard

Find your public ip address, access your grafana interface by using broswer go to

(public ip address):3000

Setup your grafana dashboard as same as the local one

Access prometheus management interface by using broswer go to

(public ip address):9090