NexRes Grafana Dashboard Installation


Nexres Grafana Dashboard is a Grafana base dashboard for Nexres. It aims to provide a simple real-time interface for developers to monitor and diagnose Nexres. The data is stored in the Prometheus ...

Nexres Grafana Dashboard is a Grafana base dashboard for Nexres. It aims to provide a simple real-time interface for developers to monitor and diagnose Nexres. The data is stored in the Prometheus time-series database and queried by Grafana using PromeQL. The system usage data is provided by Prometheus third-party exporter Node Exporter.


Using Nexres dynamic dashboard requires the installation of Prometheus, Node Exporter, Prometheus-cpp, and Grafana. It has been successfully tested with Bazel building in C++17 on Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS (Windows 11 WSL) and Visual Studio Code.


Install Prometheus

go to download prometheus

tar xvfz (your-prometheus-tar-file)

Install node_exporter

go to download the lastest version of node_exporter from release

tar xvfz (your-node-exporter-tar-file)

Install grafana

wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb stable main"
sudo apt update 
sudo apt install grafana

Start grafana

sudo service grafana-server start
sudo service grafana-server enable

Default grafana port is 3000

Start the dashboard


Default prometheus port is 9090



Default node exporter port is 9100


Local Test

  1. Change the exporter endpoint from the prometheus config (example) to the localhost:port port number can be found from the script (e.g. 8090)

  2. Start prometheus, grafana, and node_exporter

  3. Start the KV service using the script: service/tools/kv/server_tools/

  4. Open the prometheus to check the service status: http://localhost:9090/targets?search=

  5. Set up your grafana dashboard from http://locahost:3000/ A grafana dashboard template can be found here.

Remote Deploy

  1. Set the exporter endpoint from the prometheus config with each deploy node (example)

  2. Set node_exporter in each of the deploy node

  3. Set the grafana export point in the deploy script scripts/deploy/script/

  4. Deploy the nodes