
ResilientDB - Resources

ResilientDB: Global Scale Resilient Blockchain Fabric. Research Paper by S. Gupta, S. Rahnama, J. Hellings, M. Sadoghi presented at PVLDB 2020. Paper Slides Scalable, Resilient and Configurable Permissioned Blockchain Fabric. Demo Paper by S. Rahnama, S. Gupta, T. Qadah, J. Hellings, M. Sadoghi presented at PVLDB 2020. Paper Sli...

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ResilientDB - PBFT Commit Algorithm

This is an installment of the ResilientDB tutorial series. ResilientDB is a permissioned blockchain fabric developed by the developers at the Exploratory Systems Lab at UC Davis. We are a group of researchers on a mission led by Prof. Mohammad Sadoghi to pioneer a resilient data platform at scale. Allow this article to be a comprehensive introd...

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ResilientDB - Passing Custom Messages

This is an installment of the ResilientDB tutorial series. ResilientDB is a permissioned blockchain fabric developed by the developers at the Exploratory Systems Lab at UC Davis. We are a group of researchers on a mission led by Prof. Mohammad Sadoghi to pioneer a resilient data platform at scale. Message passing forms the basis in distributed ...

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ResilientDB - Getting Started

This is the first installment of the ResilientDB tutorial series. ResilientDB is a permissioned blockchain fabric developed by the developers at the Exploratory Systems Lab at UC Davis. We are a group of researchers on a mission led by Prof. Mohammad Sadoghi to pioneer a resilient data platform at scale. ResilientDB makes use of the Practical B...

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